The Value of Making your own Luck and Knowing how to Swim


Years ago, I was sitting in a meeting having a very emotional and difficult conversation. ⁠

I was being addressed by my supervisor and another colleague as a "professional courtesy" after said colleague alleged some serious and false allegations against me in an attempt to divert some negative attention reigning down on themselves.

⁠Initially, I was shocked which was quickly followed by shook. Then anger. ⁠

⁠I will never claim to be perfect but I have always owned my sh*t (however messy) so to be accused of something so grossly false was something I was not going to let lie (pun intended). ⁠

Months later after clearing my name and standing up for myself, others, and very obviously severing some professional ties I sat in a bigger meeting to receive a passive-aggressive yet politically correct apology. ⁠

One I did not ask for but deserved.

As this second meeting was concluding, I was asked by said accuser, "Do you feel like you got lucky? Were you ever worried you were going to burn the wrong bridges?" ⁠I looked said person directly in the eye and politely replied,

"I make my own luck. I don't worry about burning bridges because I know how to swim. And if the bridge is already broken, I consider burning it as a professional courtesy to those who come after me." ⁠

It wasn't my intention to be rude. I, in no way, harmed this individuals career (I burnt a bridge, I didn't burn their career-they burnt their own reputation) but it was my intention to ensure I got to the other side of that situation successfully. I didn’t have THE answer at the time but I sought out AN answer in the moment. ⁠

⁠Looking for the answer in difficult situations can be indefinitely exhausting because in truth we don’t know what THE answer is nor when it will show itself. We don’t always have enough information to be given THE answer. A better option and plan of attack during challenging seasons is to look for AN answer….something to get you FORWARD. It may not be a definitive solution, but it may lead you to another answer which leads to more answers. Eventually, all that forward progress will lead you through the process of finding the answer. 

Warriors go into battle with a plan and a mindset of whatever the outcome they are living out their legacy and serving their purpose. Of course, they want to win but getting through the battle requires more than one answer. The process from beginning to end involves so many moments of finding AN answer to move forward to find the answer/outcome. 

Going through transitional or challenging seasons in life don’t focus on finding the perfect answer. Instead, look for any answers along the way that will get you one step forward to where you are trying to go. 

Most importantly:

Never let someone convince you that hard work, intentional decisions, and dedication to what's right is nothing more than just "luck." ⁠

Your life has more purpose than haphazard luck. ⁠

Your purpose has value.

Your life has meaning.

You are stronger than a broken bridge.

You are meant to #warriorforward.


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