The 3 Reasons Behind Failure
We all do it. Have a goal and come up short. Sometimes we get back on the horse and regroup and other times we just quit. Especially when it comes to hard things. For the sake of the general audience I’m going to explain this with goals around health and fitness. But you can apply these 3 principles to any goal or ambition you might have.
It happens. You’re getting ready to go someplace that requires more than the sweats/pajamas/loungewear you’ve been rocking the last 22 months, and you realize things are just a bit too snug. The covid 19 has hit your waistline. Naturally, you decide right then, and there it’s time to get back to routine and start eating right and working out. You mentally commit to any number of goals:
Lose x number of pounds.
Hit the gym x number of times a week.
Limit yourself to x number of drinks or x number of times eating out.
You make a “plan” and embark on getting your groove back. Then-Life happens; you find yourself resorting back to what’s comfortable. Namely, loungewear and door dash.
I’m not judging you. I’ve snuggled deep into that blanket of efficiency and comfort (especially in winter). I am, however, encouraging you to practice good judgment. Truthfully, the fault isn’t entirely your own. You’ve been led to believe motivation, discipline, and focus alone will suffice and get you to your goals. That’s not completely accurate at all.
If you look back at some of the most resilient people, they encompass 3 foundational pieces to their success. 3 things you must have if you’re going to embark on any type of goal or mission.
You have to align with your core values, and that’s incredibly difficult if you don’t know what they are. Make a list of all the FEELINGS and DESIRES vital to you. This could include: freedom, security, joy, community, worthiness, fulfill…the list could be endless. Try to get at least 10-15. Go back and circle your top 3. These are your 3 core values in life, and they need to directly relate to your current goal. WHY?
2. Purpose
Your core values support your purpose. If a goal you set is disconnected from your values, it’s hard to really embrace it as a priority. Without that purpose and intentional mindset, the likelihood of committing to it (or sustaining it once accomplished) is very small. You need to really lean into the life you desire and how a particular goal or ambition will positively impact it. You can refer back to this connection when motivation is low and old habits seem more appealing. WHY?
3. WHY
It’s not just about HAVING a WHY. You have to ask yourself why. And not just one time (see pattern above) but an evolving one to get to the heart of your intention. This should ultimately lead you back to your Values and Purpose.
For example:
You want to lose 10 lbs. Why?
So you feel better about yourself. Why?
So you have more energy to spend with your kids. Why? You get out of breath playing outside with them. Why?
Because you’re out of shape? Why?
Because you don’t exercise enough.
How does this connect?
You value your family and purpose as a mother and comfortably enjoy more fun activities with them.
If you’re struggling to accomplish any goal in life, an excellent place to assess your process is to go back and look at these 3 foundational pieces and evaluate whether or not they align with your intended objective. If they don’t, see if you can reset your intent and action plan in a way that will connect with your values, purpose, and why.
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