7 Simple Health Goals to Set This Year (and how to implement them)


In the spirit of LOVE, it’s important to prioritize loving yourself and the life you are living. One way to ensure that is to treat your body with the creative and health infused activities throughout the day. Here are some simple health goals to work on this year and ways to help you accomplish them.

1.Try a new type of workout every month.

Change is a good thing! While consistency is critical to your overall health, changing up your fitness routine is good for you! The challenge of trying something new not only wakes up parts of your body you may not be used to using and keeps boredom from setting in, but it also allows you to realize your body is capable of new and challenging things! You might surprise yourself and have fun!


-Take a new class at a gym, register for a new challenge, or ask a friend to join you in the adventure and make it a monthly girl's day! Most local businesses offer a complimentary session!-look for new opportunities in your community.

-Make a list of 12 different types of workouts and draw them out of a bowl-commit to whatever you pull that month!

2. Drink more water

Hydration is the #1 best way to positively impact your health and the #1 least implemented activity. The truth is your body NEEDS water to function correctly. Your body ALSO needs water to achieve your fittest, healthiest physique. Therefore, most people need TWICE as much water as they think they do! Drinking at least half your body weight in water (in ounces) is a good starting point.

girl drinking out of purple water bottle

How to make it happen:

-find a bottle that helps you keep track. There are so many affordable options with cute reminders and oz printed on the side. Figure out what you think (straw, no straw, cup, plastic, steel) and get yourself a great guzzler! Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate!!

-Start simple. Set small goals each day you can add on to as you progress.

-Be prepared to pee. Yes, you'll be rushing for the bathroom a lot more often AT FIRST, but your body WILL adjust if you STAY CONSISTENT!

3. Find your WHY

It's essential to know the motivation behind what you want to accomplish. Whether it's weight loss, professional, physical, spiritual, or financial, you have to align with WHY you're doing what you're doing. It should be meaningful to you.

How to do it:

-take time and ask yourself "why" and then ask again, and again. Narrow it down until you can concisely define the reason behind your intention.

-journal about it. Take a few moments every week or month and remind yourself why. It comes in handy on the days when motivation is lacking.

-Use tangible and physical reminders. Your why can (and should) change depending on the season of life you're currently in, so feel free to update as necessary! Placing post-it notes, photos, vision boards, will be a great visual to help keep you connected to your why throughout your practice.

4. Daily Stillness

I'm a huge proponent of daily stillness. You could try meditation, prayer, breath-work, or just quiet time. It is essential to quiet your mind. Your brain processes as much as 74 GB of data in a day. No wonder you're tired! Take time every day (10-20 min) to be still.

How to do it:

-eliminate distractions: phone, email, music, excess noise. Remove them from your ears and mind. It is helpful by putting DND on your phone, muting your computer, and listening to a meditation or soundscape.

-be intentional with your breathing. Focus on breathing deeply and steadily. Slow your heart rate down and allow your body to shift into a calm state.

-schedule it in your day. Making it a daily practice will be easier if it happens routinely and consistently. Schedule 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the afternoon and commit to that date with yourself. There should be no other objective besides just being still.

5. Bedtime routine

Getting solid sleep is crucial for your fitness and recovery. Most everyone does it. You crawl into bed and begin down the rabbit hole of the scroll. Suddenly, it's hours later, and you're still not asleep. It's essential to train your mind and body to know when to sleep.

How to do it:

-set a regular "shut down" time for phones, pads, computers, and televisions. Consistently doing this up to 2 hours before you go to bed will allow your brain to begin to process the following activity: sleep

-get a strategic and scheduled nighttime routine. Start it at the same time and do the same activities. They should be calming and quiet: have a cup of tea (caffeine-free, of course), skincare, stretching, or reflection.

-try a sleep cycle APP to keep track of how you're sleeping at night. It will provide data on how fast you're falling asleep and staying asleep so you can adjust your routine accordingly.

6. Cook More at Home

Meal prepping is the most effective means of ensuring you always have quick, ready to eat, whole foods available to you. This is one of the easiest ways to save money and support a healthy waistline! You don't have to be a 5-star chef or Rachel Rae to make meals at home. Even the most novice cook can whip up some healthy and affordable meals in their own kitchen.

Ways to do it:

-Find some easy one pan/sheet meals that you can cook and portion out into Tupperware for a few days at a time.

-sign up for the Warrior Forward Wellness Bi-Monthly Newsletter: The Pillar for recipes and meal ideas

-Swap some easy dinner ideas with friends for variety or grab some RIGHT HERE!

7. Compliments and Affirmations

The most significant trend to hit the streets since Covid 19 is self-care and self-love. It's no secret how you talk to yourself is directly displayed in how you approach life. Speaking positively and complimenting yourself is a sure-fire way to shift into a mindset of mastery.

-Sign up for the Warrior Forward Weekly Affirmations that come directly to your phone for FREE

-write them on your bathroom mirror, so they're one of the first and last things you see in your day.

-when you do engage in the scroll of social-look for positive quotes, stories, and posts that you can share or save.

Be sure to sign up for the weekly email so you get all the Warrior Forward news you can use!


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