How To Embrace What’s Holding You Back.

fear peeking out from a blanket


The most potent acronym used in our language is only four letters and can either be an inspiring motivator or completely debilitating.

The difference between living a life of surviving vs. thriving is rooted in the cycle of thoughts -feelings-actions-results. This perpetual cycle can drive you in the direction you want to go or keep you in the same place regardless of how much time passes.

You could argue the most critical part of this is your actual "actions," but the reality is they all go hand in hand, and without intention and positivity in one area, you will ultimately lack in the others.

So what is the most powerful four-letter word that makes or breaks your progress in life?


These four letters combined create the most significant barrier between you and the life you want to live. Fear has been used throughout time as a means to an end, and how you apply it to your own life will determine the life you live daily.

Hundreds of people have discussed the power of our thoughts and how they relate to the universal energy of what we truly believe we deserve. But what gets lost in translation is the importance of these thoughts to results.

You often hear people in distress having faith and praying their way through difficulty. People spend hours meditating and fasting their way into visual and spiritual direction. Or how vision boards are displayed prominently in an office manifesting a life of dreams and goals.

The reality is that without intentional action related to said prayers, thoughts, and dreams, nothing will happen.

T. Eker writes, "Action is the bridge between the inner and outer world." Action is what unifies those internal dreams, prayers, and desires into reality.

What prevents us from taking consistent action?


So what is required to move past fear? It requires you to get uncomfortable long enough for it to become comfortable. Allow me to explain. You have dreams, goals, and visions for what you want to accomplish or what you want your life to look like. Say you want to lose 50 lbs. However, when it comes to ACHIEVING those goals, you are REQUIRED to move to an unknown place that most likely triggers a lot of invalid and unhelpful feelings and limiting beliefs. In this instance, you move your body consistently, shift your eating habits, and learn coping skills for when emotional eating may be tempting. In order to embody what you want, you must force yourself to embrace the CHALLENGE of the discomfort. If you don't do these things with fidelity, you probably won't lose 50 lbs. It's uncomfortable because it's a place you've never been before (or haven't been able to stay). Let's face it; if you did these things regularly, you probably wouldn't be trying to lose 50 lbs. Once you've accomplished your goal-you, you shift into that newness, becoming comfortable. This is what we refer to in weight loss as maintenance. You learn to embrace your new lifestyle. You work to make the level you're currently at manageable and more habitually part of your life instead of a challenge.

The fear we face when we feel uncomfortable sends us running away from success to crawling back under our blanket of safety (comfort).

We all have fear (False Emotions Appearing Real) and a deep desire to hide from it or avoid it at all costs because our feelings around the word imply danger. However, if you can reframe the meaning, the same four letters can shift your thoughts into feelings of determination and resilience (Face Everything And Rise).

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