Stop Waiting For Permission To Live Your Life

Stop Waiting For Permission

We thrive off of routine and the security of knowing what's next. It's comforting to move through the day-to-day routine feeling capable. Routine allows you to feel more accomplished and productive because you're able to check off the boxes. It enables you to establish some sense of organization around what can feel like total chaos. Routine and consistency are essential when working towards any type of accomplishment or goal. However, it can also quickly become a means of survival. A path to just making it to the next day.

When was the last time you felt like you were living and not merely going through the motions?

It's easy to get lost in what you call "life." The endless list of responsibilities, appointments, and tasks. These are the "things" that you check off day by day as validation of productivity and progress but to what extent? Sure, you can't avoid all things lame, but there is power in aligning your tasks with personal goals. How do you do that? Reconnect with who you are as a person. Identify what you seek your life to look and feel like rather than what you do during the day.

Journal Or Meditation

Writing isn't for everyone, but taking time to be still and allow your heart and soul to speak is vital to living your life in abundance. You can't possibly put energy into what you want out of life if you don't actually know what that is. Sorting through the chaos in our minds through journaling or meditation can become a lifeline to fulfillment and manifestation. Take time to embrace the stillness and quiet while releasing your inner thoughts allowing space for clarity and focus. stand out

Whatever it is, the way you connect with your story can make all the difference.

Revisit your dreams

You're in your 40s with 2 kids and a host of classroom mom responsibilities, so perhaps your dreams of having the girl group singer/model/veterinarian combo career have passed. Still, it doesn't mean you cannot connect and continue to fulfill the passions you once had. There were passions you had throughout your life that directly related to your soul and spiritual happiness. They also connect to your most substantial values (more on that here). Persuing these loves will bring joy, peace, and a sense of identity to your life. Find a way to incorporate them into your world as it is now, and embrace the opportunity to continue to live out your childhood dreams.

Seek out connection

Life is not meant to be lived alone. Period. We are designed and built for the community. Truly LIVING life and enjoying its beauty and abundance is best done when shared with like-minded people, challenged with a growth mindset, and empowered by a feeling of support. They say you become the 5 people you are around the most, and the reality is if 3 of them are your children and the other are toxic, you've set the bar for a life of abundance reasonably low. Your connection and community need to include others outside of your day-to-day sphere. Meaning more than just your partner or spouse. Others besides those who are in the work cubicles next to you. Moving through life without a sense of connection beyond responsibility becomes very isolating and lonely. Reach out and find your tribe. If you don't have one yet-join, this one is for free!

Give yourself permission

We are taught to ask for things and wait for the approval. We are prepared to work hard and seek validation, acceptance, and allowance for virtually anything of value or importance. College. Sporting Teams. Social Clubs. Jobs. We work hard getting to a rite of passage and then wait on the powers at be to determine our next steps. While this is unavoidable in some areas of life, it is not necessary when living a life you deeply desire and deserve. You have the power to choose your path. You can choose your feelings and thoughts, resulting in your actions that will ultimately prophetically end in results.

If they're not the results you want, you also have the power to change them and do it differently.

But only if you give yourself permission to embrace and embody that power. You can only cultivate the life you want if you allow yourself time and space to connect with it. Stop waiting on someone or something to define or grant you worth. Start creating the designing the life of your choosing right now. Start small with some of the suggestions above, or lean in a bit more intensely by clicking the links.

If you're looking for permission to begin....all you need to do is look in the mirror. Begin to build your day, week, and life. Begin to Warrior Forward.


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