Tips for BTS: Back to School


It's that time of year-some hate it, some love impacts everyone yet doesn't apply to everyone. It comes too early and lasts too long. There's a surplus of things yet somehow never enough. It's exciting yet instantly aggravating. And regardless of how you feel, the anticipation can be felt brewing, and the stress surrounding it is palpable. It's the season people prepare for the most yet end up the least prepared.

It's back to school.

As a former classroom teacher, this time of year has always been my favorite. It's like New Year's Eve to me. The promise of opportunity, the new desire to set goals and crush them, and the passion for making a positive impact are as promising as bags full of brand new supplies-carefully picked out, organized, and ambitiously packed up, waiting to begin.

Teachers, parents, kids, communities-they all have goals and dreams for this upcoming academic year-determined to make it "the best one yet."

However, all too soon, reality sets in, exhaustion replaces ambition, and apathy overtakes motivation. Before you know it, you're living for the weekend, the next break, and next summer while trying to bring forth positivity and inspiration.

It's a tall order. The president of the US goes through the same thing with each new election, and if they struggle doing it alone, what makes you think you can?

So this month-Warrior Forward will focus on a 3 part systematic series that will help prepare you for

BTS: Beyond The Struggle.

(The series is in the FB GROUP)

There are essentially three things you need to implement RIGHT NOW to start living beyond the struggle:


It would be great to focus on everything and successfully progress; however, that is not effective or sustainable. It creates burnout, resentment, and feelings of incapability.

So whether you're a teacher, parent, or both, you must prioritize the "seasons" within a school year (or new year as it can be applied anytime). Meaning: the first part of the year should NOT be focused on work, assignments, activities (yes, I said it), and a constant reminder of how "this year is going to be different." (for one, don't talk about it-just do it and do it with sustainability in mind---which requires prioritizing intentional systems to create sustainable habits).

Spend time NOW and transitioning into the year getting clear about your priorities.

What areas at home do you need to put additional energy into? Is it the morning routine? After-school schedule planning? Dinner time? Bedtime routines? Find where the weak links have been in the past and what YOU and YOUR FAMILY need NOW, and start considering ways to implement some systems to make it easier (hang tight-more on that to come).

In addition to determining what needs to be prioritized at home comes the most crucial part of this-Prioritizing YOURSELF! Finding systems for YOUR DAY/YOUR SCHEDULE/YOUR NEEDS. Creating habits for YOUR life, health, and wellness. Because you can't pour from an empty cup, and if you're determined to make this year better for your family/students/children, then you have to PRIORITIZE making it better for yourself FIRST! So let's back up and focus on the areas in which you need to serve yourself to prepare for beyond the struggle!


Most people are entirely unaware of this critical area of life. Systems are a series of actions funneled together that can help simplify how you do things. They're planned and organized and feed into your habits, leading to sustainability.

The great thing about systems is you have the power to put them into virtually ANY part of your life. You probably already do, and you don't realize it. Think of a portion of your day that is seamless and efficient. You don't even have to think about it. You naturally do it because it's the fastest way..... (example: showering, putting groceries away, laundry, unloading the dishwasher). All of these mundane tasks have systems subconsciously built in that allow you to make things more manageable. However, there are also areas of your life where the system isn't working, efficient, or even in play.

So, where are there systems in your life that need an overhaul? With your family, it may be the system coming home after school, so stuff isn't strung all through the house, and post-school activities (homework or sports) can take place. Or maybe it's a system for beds that can be shifted to instill by the time schools start. What approach do YOU need personally to help get beyond the struggle? A method for getting your workout in (packing a bag ahead of time). A system for preparing your meals for the week (or dinner). Where in your day do you NEED more efficiency and simplicity?

Finally, we move to habits. This is for those playing the long game because habits take time, but without efficient and effective ones, they cost us so much of everything (time, money, energy, happiness). If you're implementing new systems due to a shift in priorities, it will take time to establish the habits needed to apply them with fidelity. So find ways to support your efforts. A habit tracker, for example. Or reminders. Also, start small. You can't change everything at once, so if you're implementing a new system (say meal prep on Sunday), start prepping for one or two meals first. Start filling up your water bottle the night before, so you are prepared for your "drink water" habit. Start laying out your clothes the night before so you can move more quickly through your morning system. I

Think less is more--this circles back to priorities because you have to PRIORITIZE the habits you want to change FIRST and help you with the systems you need the most right now.

Once you move beyond the uncomfortable and daily need for intentional action, you will notice the simplicity and ease at which these parts of your day pass by. You can rinse, recycle, and repeat into other areas or shift when new priorities come into play within a new season.

The point here is this: whether it's back to school or a whole new year-implementing these three things will make your behind-the-scenes portion of life beyond the struggle.

Join the FB GROUP and sit in for this incredible series on BTS!


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