3 Ways Opportunity Can Positively Impact Your Life

and how to recognize it.

Knock, Knock….

Have you ever noticed how you think something, and suddenly it's everywhere? The eyes see what the mind conjures. Like, when I purchased a white car, every parking lot was filled with white cars. Or when I was seriously engaged in an internal debate about whether or not I should go back to school, and out of nowhere, a postcard with the same program I was considering showed up in my mailbox.

Now, in our digital age, you talk about something that pops up on your phone, feed, or email. Is it AI, or is it something more? Could these serendipitous acts of coincidence represent opportunities we are internally hoping to receive? Or are dreams followed by blessings we never accept appropriately? Possibly is a higher source gently whispering encouraging approval in our year? Regardless, "God Winks" or signs from the universe mean staying open to opportunities will result in a life of abundance and joy. Staying open doesn't mean jumping into everything that comes your way (although Shonda Rhimes wrote a whole book about saying YES); however, having an open mind and heart allows you to see when opportunities are there.

Here are 3 ways (PLUS A BONUS 4th) being OPEN to OPPORTUNITY can positively impact your life:

It will enable you to be free and open to exploring your needs, dreams, and goals while staying in the present.

You probably had visions as a little girl of what being a grown-up would look like, ideal or far out; your imagination was a wide-open invitation to explore. Somewhere it protectively held your wildest dreams and most creative desires. While reality has fully set in, there is still room (and want) for you to pursue your unique interests. Being open also allows you to move through life in better mental health since being present prevents worrying about what's to come or agonizing about what's happened. You begin to experience the world with wonderment and gratitude for what IS and is possible.

It will help you stop living in fear.

Often you avoid opportunities presented to you due to fear. It could be fear of failure or success, but the result is the same: doing nothing results in nothing changing. The truth is that when an opportunity presents itself and you are living in fear, you will avoid it. It is just as easy as seeing a parking lot of white cars, so see black vehicles if that's what you are looking for. You can find many reasons to justify not doing something if the rationale is based on fear. When you embrace the possibility of success with the right intent, focus, and commitment, you remove the opportunity for failure. It also means you won't lose energy on things you cannot control.

It will deepen your connection with others.

Staying open to possibilities and building relationships can lead to connections that may not have been available to you previously. It can also help expand your circle of friends. Think back to a time when you were able to experience something based on another person in your life. Even if that relationship didn't pan out the way, you hoped that experience alone would have been one you would have missed. You will appreciate just how incredible people are and their purpose in your life when you embrace the positive impacts they play/ed.

It gives you a chance to protect your peace.

How do you know it's a positive meant for you? The line between opportunity and temptation is thin and one you must draw in the sand based on your personal story and needs. The opportunity presented might be to avoid something/someone that could negatively impact your peace. When an opportunity shifts from a feeling of growth to a sense of regression, you must step back for introspection and decide the best way to move forward. Instead of looking at negative experiences or people in a toxically positive way, embrace the opportunity to set boundaries that will support you and the life you are creating.

You live a life where opportunities (both helpful and unhelpful) are presented to you all day, every day. The power of choice is mixed with the outcome of consequence. Intuition over comfort. Fulfillment over fear. It can be scary, but it can also be a massive step in creating a life you truly love.

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