The Power of Failing Fast and Forward

Your Failures Do Not Mean YOU ARE Failing.

Whether massive or just a tiny blip, you are undoubtedly intimately familiar with the defeating taste of failure. It can appear in various ways, but the distaste it leaves behind is often like being in a dense fog. You know you must determine which direction to go next, but you struggle to see clearly. The lingering bitterness occasionally drives you to continue pursuing your objective with vigor and determination. However, the defeat often takes over and pushes you back to your comfort zone- ultimately quitting. Yet, you don't need me to tell you that stopping gets you nowhere.

What do you need to embrace failures and reframe them into fortitude? A positively resilient mindset of growth and gratitude.

Growth Mindset

Regardless of your goals' size, a learning mindset is vitally important, especially in stillness or setbacks. If you aren't open to learning, your fixed mindset will ultimately limit your capabilities and progress. You will make decisions based on fear and inability to see failure as a semi-colon instead of a period. As we progress through life's traverse, it is critical to stretch and grow the muscle of our minds. An intentional practice of a positive mindset can be so helpful in how we process difficulties, look at the action plan of our goals, and address roadblocks. Establishing a growth mindset is vital to your overall success. Some of the greatest lessons are from the results of unfortunate circumstances, people, and failures in your life. It's what you do with that lesson that expands your growth mindset. If you wish to change your life radically, you must take radical steps towards those changes, which will result in some failures. That is when we must learn HOW to do things differently.

Failing Fast

When you set out to accomplish something, and it doesn't work out right away according to plan, the only thing you can blame for your disappointment is your expectations. The internal (often subconscious) expectations will lead you to utter disappointment when resistance or lack of quick progress can be seen. Instead of looking at that disappointment as failure or delayed gratification, you can reframe your perspective into how failing so quickly can help you progress faster. The faster you get the losses out of the way and replace expectations with strategy, the quicker you can see and feel the accomplishment of success and progress.


Gratitude is a means for people to take stock of what they have. 

This is important when reaching for something more. It eliminates the thinking YOU can't feel satisfied until every physical and material need is met and reframes it into being thankful for the opportunities that got YOU where YOU are and where YOU want to go. 

Gratitude helps people refocus on their way, purpose, and fulfillment. It helps maintain context in a problematic situation and inspires goals. 

And although it may feel contrived at first, this mental state grows stronger with use and practice. Your failures can lead you to so much abundance and prosperity. It allowed the ethos and mission of Warrior Forward to evolve. It forces you to reassess and requires you to look hard at what you know vs. what you don't. Through a growth mindset and gratitude, you have the power to embrace the outcomes and take accountability. 

Your failure can be something other than the can be failing forward- in a direction you wouldn't have taken had it not happened.

Committing to making the mental shift from seeing this failure as a stopping point into seeing it as the next step is life-changing. You then became a forward-thinking strategist. Instead of throwing up your hands in defeat, you now have the drive to examine where things went wrong. It's embracing the "Arrow Method" of thought. It is a concept built around the reality that an arrow cannot propel itself toward an intended target without being pulled backward and aimed with confidence and clarity.Learn more about the Warrior Way in our private FB Group for weekly lives and a community of strength, support, and abundant sustainability.


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